Whereever logic states have to be queried switches can be used. Tiefenbach Control Systems offers a great selection of switches to choose from.
Different products can be used depending on the field of application, as e.g. end position indication, temperature threshold value measurement or maximum level sensing. The distinguishing characteristic of all our switches is their ruggedness and high switching accuracy.

Magnet switches
Magnet switches can be used for all applications where the position of a machine or a component is to be measured without direct physical contact. The switch responds to a magnet passing by. Constant switching distances of the switches and a[...]
Magnet switches can be used for all applications where the position of a machine or a component is to be measured without direct physical contact. The switch responds to a magnet passing by. Constant switching distances of the switches and a fixed positioning of the magnet ensure a very exact position measurement.
The actual switching process is effected via reed contacts which are designed as normally closed, normally open or change-over contacts. All contacts are located in a stable housing whicih is additionally protected against external influences by cast resin.

Proximity switches
The proximity switches of Tiefenbach Control Systems cover a similar range of applications as the magnet switches. They are based, however, on a completely different switching principle. The proximity switches are inductive devices using an[...]
The proximity switches of Tiefenbach Control Systems cover a similar range of applications as the magnet switches. They are based, however, on a completely different switching principle. The proximity switches are inductive devices using an oscillator. Therefore, it is not necessary to let a magnet pass in order to trigger a switching action. To generate a logical change between high and low level at the output it is sufficient that a metallic object approaches. The proximity switches extend the range of application of the magnet switches.

Level switches/controllers
Tiefenbach Control Systems offers a wide range of level switches for monitoring the filling levels of all kinds of fluids. Like all our products they are embedded in a rugged meatal enclosure and approved for underground use. Our level[...]
Tiefenbach Control Systems offers a wide range of level switches for monitoring the filling levels of all kinds of fluids. Like all our products they are embedded in a rugged meatal enclosure and approved for underground use.
Our level switches are equipped with reed contacts. Depending on the individual customer requirements, a signal will be transmitted when certain levels are reached. This allows, for example, to indicate minimum and maximum levels in a tank.
If a higher resolution of the measuring values is required our level controllers will be utilized. They monitor the fluid level continuously so that the current filling level is available any time.

Temperature switches
Tiefenbach Control Systems offers different types of temperature switches for monitoring temperature limit values. Depending on the individual configuration they can be used e.g. for monitoring fluids or surfaces. The switches are tailored to[...]
Tiefenbach Control Systems offers different types of temperature switches for monitoring temperature limit values. Depending on the individual configuration they can be used e.g. for monitoring fluids or surfaces. The switches are tailored to the meet a customer’s specific needs and have a fixed temperature value. If this value is exceeded the contact will change its switching state and switch back after a fixed hysteresis.
Our range of products also includes temperature sensors for continuous actual temperature measurements.